Certificate of data location

What is a data location certificate?

It certifies the physical location of the client's service, detailing the name of the specific service, its IP, the date of creation, the data centre where it is located and the town/country where this data centre is located

Generate a data location certificate.

In your SWPanel, in the top search window, enter the name of the Cloud from which you want to extract the certificate. Once you have located the service, you can click on its name to access its Dashboard.

info_capture The screenshot is for guidance purposes. It was taken on version 2025.00.0017 dated 28/01/2025. It may differ from what the current version of SWPanel shows.

Once inside the service, you should select the "certificate" icon at the top, in the "Reports" section.

info_capture The screenshot is for guidance purposes. It was taken on version 2025.00.0017 dated 28/01/2025. It may differ from what the current version of SWPanel shows.

Select the type of certificate you want from the drop-down menu, in this case Data location certificate, enter the required details (name and tax ID) and click on the "Request now" button.

info_capture The screenshot is for guidance purposes. It was taken on version 2025.00.0017 dated 28/01/2025. It may differ from what the current version of SWPanel shows.

This certificate is generated in a short period of time. Once requested, you will be able to view and/or download it from your SWPanel. From the service dashboard, click on Service Documentation, and then Certificates and Reports.

info_capture The screenshot is for guidance purposes. It was taken on version 2025.00.0017 dated 28/01/2025. It may differ from what the current version of SWPanel shows.

Next, you should click on "Service or domain certificates", and place the mouse cursor on the [...] menu that you will find to the right of the certificate. From Manage, you can download the certificate, or view it using SWPanel.

info_capture The screenshot is for guidance purposes. It was taken on version 2025.00.0017 dated 28/01/2025. It may differ from what the current version of SWPanel shows.

Below, we show you an example of a data location certificate.

info_capture The screenshot is for guidance purposes. It was taken on version 2025.00.0017 dated 28/01/2025. It may differ from what the current version of SWPanel shows.

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