SWPanel allows us to configure which notifications to receive and to which address to send each one of them, depending on their type and our organizational needs.
From SWPanel, go to the menu with your client name (top right side) and access Notification mail configuration:
info_capture The screenshot is for guidance only. It was taken on version 2025.00.0017 with date 20/01/2025. It may differ from what the current version of SWPanel displays.
The notifications are grouped by type:
info_capture The screenshot is for guidance only. It was taken on version 2025.00.0017 with date 20/01/2025. It may differ from what the current version of SWPanel displays.
In the following section we will detail the meaning of each notification.
Check the checkboxes corresponding to the notifications you wish to receive:
info_capture The screenshot is for guidance only. It was taken on version 2025.00.0017 with date 20/01/2025. It may differ from what the current version of SWPanel displays.
The changes will take effect instantly.
If you do not want to receive any notification email from SW Hosting, you can use the "Disable All" button located at the bottom of the page.
If you deactivate the emails, the system will not send you any notification. The fact of not receiving notifications does not imply that you should not do the actions indicated in them. There are some very important notifications that it is not advisable to deactivate.
In the field adjacent to the notification, enter the email address to which it will be sent and click the "✓" icon:
info_capture The screenshot is for guidance only. It was taken on version 2025.00.0017 with date 20/01/2025. It may differ from what the current version of SWPanel displays.
If you leave it blank, they will be sent by default to the General contact of your customer file, or in some cases (as indicated in the following section) to the General.
Automatic balance loading: Confirmations of automatic recharges performed.
Failure to automatically charge balance: Directed to General. Notification generated in case of failed automatic recharge indicating the reason.
Billing services Notification: Directed to the General Notice issued 10 days prior to invoice generation informing of the services to be billed.
Blocked Services Notification: Reminder after the precautionary blocking of services due to non-regularized non-payment.
Cancel of Service, cancellation of the request: Notification generated when a service cancellation request is cancelled.
Cancel of Service, requestt: Notification generated upon cancellation of a service cancellation request.
Certificate Available: Notification informing that the certificate is available for installation.
Certificate Installed: Notification informing that the certificate has been successfully installed on a service.
Error in direct charge card bill Notification: If you have activated direct debit payment to credit card, you will receive this notification when, after several attempts, the system has not been able to charge the invoice. The invoice number, amount and card are detailed.
Last reminder of NON-renewal of service: Final reminder informing that the service will NOT be renewed at the end of its contract and, at the same time, auto-renewal will be disabled.
Notification of Negative Balance 1. notice / 2. notice / 3. notice / 4. notice / 5. notice: Directed to the General contact. In case a negative balance is generated, several notifications will be issued informing the amount, deadline and payment methods.
Notification of Negative Balance - Blocking of Services: If a negative balance is not regularized after several days, a new definitive notification is issued informing of the amount, term and payment methods. It also informs of the precautionary blocking of services, in case of non-compliance.
Service Non-Renewal Notification: Notification informing that the service contract will not be renewed upon expiration.
Notification of the Return of Receipt: If a bill has been returned to us, this notification will be issued indicating the returned bill number, amount, term and payment methods.
Sending of Invoice: Directed to the General Notification issued when a new invoice is generated.
Service contract delivery: Notification generated when contracting a service in which the contract is attached in PDF format.
Service Elimination Notification: *Directed to the General Contact *In case of non-regularized non-payment, after a period of time, notification is issued advising when the total elimination of services will be effective.
Notification of Credit Cards Expiration: Notice of upcoming expiration of one of the reported credit cards.
Notification of expired Credit Cards removal: Notification upon automatic deletion of an expired credit card.
Your Data Elimination Certificate: Notification generated when a certificate of data deletion is requested upon cancellation of a service.
Your Domain Certificate: Notification generated when a domain certificate is requested.
Scheduled Operation in your Service: Notification generated when a technical action is scheduled in your managed service by the Systems Engineering Area.
Finished of a Scheduled Operation in your service: Notification informing of the completion of a scheduled action in your managed service.
Scheduled Operation in your service postponed: Notification generated when a scheduled action in your managed service is postponed.
Administrative Ticket, closure notification: Notification generated when an Administrative Ticket is closed with details about its resolution.
Administrative Ticket, creation notification: Notification generated when an Administrative Ticket is created with details about it.
Administrative Ticket, request for additional information: Notification generated when the Administrative Department needs additional information for the resolution of your query.
Reverse Ticket, creation notification: Notification generated when the Systems Department detects an incident in your services and proceeds to open a Reverse Ticket for its resolution.
Ticket Postponement Notification: Notification generated when the Systems Area postpones the execution of a ticket, including details about it.
Answer Free Support Conversation: Notification informing that a response has been received in a free support conversation.
RHA: Sending remittance of bills or debits: Notification informing about the receipts or debts of your users in RHA.
RHA: You have received a support query: Notification informing that you have received a query from your users in RHA customer support.
** RHA: Answer to your support query**: Notification informing that a response to your support query from your users in RHA customer support has been received.
RHA: Daily billing has been performed: Notification informing that the daily billing of your users' services in RHA has been completed.
Ticket Resolution Escalation: Notification indicating that a ticket has been transferred to a higher level for resolution due to its complexity.
Technical Ticket, in process: Notification generated when a Ticket is in the process of resolution.
Technical Ticket, sending additional information: Notification generated confirming the reception of the additional information requested by the Systems Engineering Area.
Technical Ticket, notification of closure: Notification generated when a Ticket is closed for technical actions from the Systems Engineering Area. The details of the resolution are reported.
Technical Ticket, forced closure notification: Notification informing that a technical ticket has been closed forcibly and cannot be reopened.
Technical Ticket, creation notification: Notification generated when a Security Consulting Ticket is created with details about it.
Technical Ticket, request for additional information: Notification generated when the Systems Engineering Area needs additional information for the resolution of a Ticket for technical actions.
Unusual access to your SWPanel: Notification generated when access to your SWPanel is detected from an IP address with unusual or suspicious geolocation.
Double Validation SWPanel: Notification generated by the two-factor authentication in case it is enabled.
Shipping Safety Report: Notification generated when a security report with the same attachment is requested.
Safety passwords report: Notification generated, informing the result of the automatic security control of email and FTP passwords.
Logout from your SWPanel: Notification generated when you logout from SWPanel.
It has been accesed to your SWPanel: Notification generated when accessing SWPanel.
2-step authentication: Notification generated when enabling or confirming two-factor authentication for the security of your account.
Sending Moodle access: Notification generated upon the subscription to SW Cloud Storage with the access credentials.
Sending SSH/CHRoot access to a Hosting: Notification with the credentials to securely access the hosting via SSH or CHRoot.
Sending SW EasyWeb Access: Notification generated upon the creation of an SW EasyWeb service, including the access credentials.
Sending Linux Access User: Notification generated upon the creation of a Cloud Linux, including the access credentials.
Annual service quality control survey: This survey is sent once a year to assess the Quality of Service offered.
Satisfaction survey due to service cancellation: Survey after the cancellation of a service with which you can help us to improve.
** 'Conversations with Level 1 Support' Quality surveys’**: You may receive surveys to evaluate the quality of service received in conversations with Level 1 Support.
** 'Level 2 Support' Quality Surveys’**: You may receive surveys to evaluate the quality of service received in conversations with Level 2 Support (Technical Tickets).
CaaS Intelligence Action: Notification generated when there is a resource modification by the CaaS Intelligence service.
Cloud resource overuse alert: Notification generated by an excessive use of resources in your Cloud.
Alert of use, Backup Space: Notification generated by low available backup space.
Alert of use, Hosting Disk Space: Notification generated for low disk space.
Usage alert, Traffic: Notification generated for low/excessive traffic usage.
Resource Control for SWPanel: Notification regarding the usage and availability of resources in SWPanel.
Mail space report: Notification generated when a mailbox is full or exceeds the maximum allowed size.
DB Size Report: Notification generated when a database is full or exceeds the maximum allowed size.
Backup Recovery Completed: Notification generated after successful backup recovery.
Backup Recovery Completed with Errors: Notification generated after the completion of a backup recovery with errors.
Backup Recovery Request: Notification generated after a backup recovery request with details about the backup.
Domain/Service Backup Recovery Request: Notification generated when a specific backup recovery request is made within Hosting.
Planned backup failure: Notification generated for planned backup failure, including details such as the service failed, date and last successful backup.
SWPanel licenses upgrade: Notification generated when a license upgrade/downgrade is made on a Cloud with SWPanel.
Failed to update service: Notification generated informing that there was an issue updating a Cloud service, detailing the errors found.
Parking Cloud notification: Notification generated when a server has been successfully parked.
The service has been upgraded: Notification generated when a server has been successfully updated.
The service has been upgraded automatically: Notification generated when a server has been updated automatically, detailing the updated packages.
The service has been redefined: Notification generated when a Hosting service has been successfully redefined.
Domain Action Canceled: Notification informing that a requested action for a domain (such as renewal or transfer) has been canceled.
Warning of´´ NOT ´´auto-renewal of domains: Notification generated in case of insufficient balance to execute an auto-renewal, being this one cancelled and having to be executed manually.
Domains, Auto-renewal report: Notification informing of the domains that are going to be renewed due to auto-renewal.
Domains, change of state report: Notification generated after a domain status change. For example: Non-renewed domain that goes into grace period.
Domains, protection report extensions: Notification informing the status of domain protection, indicating whether protection is enabled or disabled to prevent unauthorized transfers.
Domains, Renewal Report: Notification of the upcoming expiration of a domain that must be renewed in order to be maintained.
Domain Surveillance Report: Notification about available domains under Domain Surveillance.
Authcode Request - Quality info reason: Notification generated when an Authcode request is made for a domain, requesting information and the reason for the request.
Your Domain is Pending: Notification indicating that the action on your domain is still pending transfer/registration.
WAP Verification mail owner: Notification generated to verify domain ownership. The verification link must be clicked to perform the confirmation.
WAP Verification mail owner - domain cancelled: Notification generated 15 days after an owner verification mail has been issued and has not been carried out. It informs about the next deactivation of the domain.
WAP Verification mail owner - domain cancelled to SW client: Notification reminding that the domain is deactivated.
WAP Verification mail owner to SW client: Notification generated confirming the correct verification of the domain (once the verification link has been followed).
IRTP completed: Notification generated confirming to both parties the successful transfer of a domain.
IRTP current: Directed to the domain recipient Notification informing about the transfer process. Instructions to accept or reject the transfer are included.
IRTP current cancelled: Directed to the domain receiver. Notification informing that the transfer has not been completed successfully.
IRTP new: Directed to the domain transferor. Notification informing about the transfer process. Instructions to accept or reject the transfer are included.
IRTP new cancelled: Directed to the domain transferor. Notification informing that the transfer has not been completed successfully.
SSL Certificates, NO Autorenewal report: Notification informing that the auto-renewal of an SSL certificate will not occur, requiring manual renewal to maintain certificate validity.
** SSL certificates, Autorenewal report**: Notification informing about the upcoming auto-renewal of an SSL certificate, also indicating the cancellation deadline.
SSL Certificates Validation Notification: Notification generated when the expiration of SSL Certificates is detected, which must be renewed to remain valid.
SSL Certificate Validation Notification: Notification informing about the status of SSL certificate validation.
Notification of renewal of affiliate services: Notification informing about the renewal of services contracted through your affiliates.
Notification of sale as an affiliate: Notification informing about a sale made through an affiliate link.