How to access phpMyAdmin from SWPanel

What is phpMyAdmin?

PHPMyAdmin is a database manager. It is a tool used to manage (create, modify, delete...) any record of your databases through a web interface.

How to access phpMyAdmin?

You can access phpMyAdmin from your SWPanel, you just need to know your username and password of the DB. To do this, you must access your SWPanel by entering the username and password.

If you do not have a database in your service yet, you can follow our guide on how to create a database in SWPanel. 📃 Manual: How to create a MySQL or MariaDB database

Once inside, select the option "Active services tree", located in the left side blue menu and click on the service you want:

Click on "Database Management":

In the "DB Users " tab you will be able to see the exact name of the user:

In the tab "MariaDB" you will find the name of the database:

Now to access the database manager phpMyAdmin you must select the tab "MariaDB " and in the drop-down "---" of the database you want to access, click on "Open PhpMyAdmin ".

A new tab will open in your browser with the PhpMyAdmin home screen, now you only need to enter the username and password you have specified to the database.

You are now inside phpMyAdmin to start managing your database:

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