How to create a resource usage control template

What is a Resource Control Template?

A Resource Control Template is an option added in our SWPanel that serves to establish a resource usage limit in the Hostings, setting a maximum in the use of CPU, RAM memory and disk operations (IOPS). These Resource Control templates can be assigned in a more orderly and faster way in a Hosting template.

You can assign the Resource Control Templates in a Hosting, following the indications of the following manual: πŸ“ƒ Manual: How to limit the resource usage of a Hosting by means of a template

How to create a Resource Control template

  1. From the main SWPanel Dashboard, click on the left side menu, select the drop-down β€œTools”-> β€œTemplates” --> β€œResource Control”, a list of available templates will appear.

To create a new one, click on β€œCreate Template”:

  1. Next, name the template and you can configure the maximum CPU, RAM and disk speed(IOPS):

- Limitation of CPU usage: The maximum percentage of CPU that can be consumed by a Hosting Plan with this template will be limited.

- Limitation of allocated RAM memory MB: The RAM memory that a Hosting Plan can use will be limited. If the allocated memory exceeds the server capacity, the limitation will not be applied.

- Disk Usage Limitation: The maximum number of disk read and write operations the Hosting can perform will be limited.

  1. Once the template is configured, click on β€œcreate new template”, to save it:

Modifying a Resource Control template

  1. If you have a Resource Control template and you wish to set a new limit on the use of resources, you can modify them by accessing the left side menu, β€œTools”-> β€œTemplates” --> β€œResource Control” --> Select a template --> Menu [...] "Modify template ”.

success Β‘Done! Now you know how to create a resource usage template and how to modify it according to your hosting needs, this is very useful to ensure that the server resources are distributed fairly among the different hostings.

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