How to modify repositories in Linux

If we wish to increase the capabilities of our operating system, we have the option of adding repositories to be able to install updated software or software that is not available for our distribution.

It is important to mention that it is necessary to investigate the reliability of a repository in order to avoid security problems on our server.

Modify the source.list

The file "/etc/apt/sources.list" contains the list of repositories currently on the system. For example, in Debian10 we find:

deb buster main
deb-src buster main

deb buster/updates main
deb-src buster/updates main

deb buster-updates main
deb-src buster-updates main

If we wanted, for example, to add the official Docker repository for Debian10, we should add the following line in the file:

deb buster stable

And this way, we would have added the docker repository.

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