How to open 3306 port in cPanel

In order to carry out a complete migration from another Hosting to SW Hosting, it is essential that port 3306, which corresponds to MySQL (database), is open. In the following manual, it will be shown how to open port 3306 in cPanel and allow access to SWHosting in order to perform the database migration.

  1. Once you have logged into cPanel, go to the main page by clicking on the logo in the upper left corner.

  2. In the Databases section, click on Remote MySQL.

  3. Now you must add a new access host so that SW Hosting can connect to the cPanel database to carry out the migration. Therefore, in the "host" section, you must write the IP Finally, you will need to Add the host.

  4. When the confirmation message appears The host "" has been added to the access list, click back.

  5. Finally, check that the IP of your Cloud server has been correctly added to the list of access hosts.

Once these steps have been carried out, you will already have port 3306 of your hosting in your cPanel open and ready to be able to successfully migrate the database to SWHosting.

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