How to request the authcode of a domain

The authcode is the transfer code needed to transfer your domain from one provider to another.

All domains require this code to be transferred. To request the authcode, you must access your SWPanel and select "Domains and SSL", located on the left side menu in blue -> Domain portfolio.

info_capture The screenshot is for guidance only. It was taken on version 2025.00.0017 with date 10/12/2024. It may differ from what the current version of SWPanel displays.

Click on the drop-down menu "..." that appears to the right of the domain for which you want to request the authcode -> Request authcode.

info_capture The screenshot is for guidance only. It was taken on version 2025.00.0017 with date 10/12/2024. It may differ from what the current version of SWPanel displays.

Fill in the Statistical Data, indicating First Name and Surname and finally the ID of the person responsible for the request and click on "Request authcode".

Once requested, you will return to the main domain portfolio tab.

To view the authcode, you must go to the drop-down menu "..." to the right of the domain -> View authcode.

⚠️ Whenever you wish to consult the authcode you must do so via SWPanel, under no circumstances will it be sent by email ⚠️

info_capture The screenshot is for guidance only. It was taken on version 2025.00.0017 with date 10/12/2024. It may differ from what the current version of SWPanel displays.

The authcode has a life of 15 days, after this time you will have to request it again. If during this period of time an invoice is generated, the authcode will no longer be valid, so you will have to request it again if you have not yet started the domain transfer.

Situations in which you can NOT request the authcode:

  • If the domain is locked: You must unlock it first to be able to request it.

  • If the domain has autorenewal activated: You must deactivate it first to be able to request it.

  • If the domain has already entered the auto-renewal process: This process starts 60 days before the domain expires. You will have to wait for it to finish before you can apply for it.

  • If the domain has expired: You will need to recover it in order to apply for it.

  • If there is an outstanding balance in your customer account: You must pay it off before you can apply.

  • If it is less than 60 days since the domain registration: Applies to all domain extensions.

  • If it is less than 60 days after the domain transfer: Applies only to generic domains (.CAT, .COM and .NET).

  • If it is less than 60 days after the change of domain owner: Applies only to generic domains (.CAT, .COM and .NET )

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