Category: General SWPanel

Preferences of my SWPanel

To define your SWPanel preferences, first go to the top right-hand corner, hover over your profile, click on "My SWPanel" and click on "My SWPanel preferences". info_capture The screenshot is for guidance purposes only. It was taken on version 2025.01.0 (...)


I found a bug in the SWPanel

What is a bug ? A bug, also known as a software error, error or simply failure in computer jargon, refers to when a program does not behave as intended, crashes or gives errors. Can I be affected by a bug ? A bug is generated in the programming or in the d (...)


Customer data and preferences

When you sign up for the first time for any of the services offered by SW Hosting, first you register as a customer and the data you have provided is stored in your customer file. To access, you must click on the logo of your customer account. Next, click (...)


How to create an access to SWPanel using the service name

To create an access by service, we access the SWPanel, open the top menu of our customer account and click on My SWPanel -> Access by services in the pop-up menu that will appear. info_capture The screenshot is for guidance only. It was taken on version (...)


SWPanel History

You can consult the history of actions performed, e-mails and direct messages from your SWPanel by clicking on the icon of your customer account and then on the "SWPanel History" section. In each of these sections, the history of actions performed in SWPa (...)


Configuration of notification e-mails

SWPanel allows us to configure which notifications to receive and to which address to send each one of them, depending on their type and our organizational needs. Configure notifications From SWPanel, go to the menu with your client name (top right side) a (...)


Change of access password

To perform this action, go to your customer name and, in the pop-up menu, click on My SWPanel, in order to select the option Change access password. info_capture The screenshot is for guidance only. It was taken on version 2025.00.0015 with date 09/12/20 (...)


Friend Codes: 5€ for each friend!

Do you have a friend? Then listen up because you may get 5 € free credit.... for each friend. How do friend codes work? It's easy! All you have to do is give your code to all your friends and acquaintances. If they register as a customer at SW Hosting, bo (...)


DNS Templates

What is a DNS Template? A DNS Template allows us to predefine the DNS configuration in a personalized way, thus avoiding having to configure the same parameters each time we proceed to the registration of a new service. We will be able to use it when creat (...)



The Listings collect in a single point all the e-mail accounts (including aliases and distribution lists), FTP accounts and database accounts currently active in each service. From here we will be able to consult and manage them. 💡 In order to simplify t (...)


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